Tago Soul

Tago Soul has 4 Attributes:

  1. Intuition: Tago Soul’s Intuition stat. At "1:1 With Tago Soul Mode", the higher your Tago Soul Intuition stat, the better efficiency you can earn $Soul.

  2. Luck: Lucky stat. The higher the Tago Soul's lucky stat, the greater the frequency and quality of Mystery Box that drop at random.

  3. Extrovert: The ability to restore energy after each conversation. The higher the Extrovert stat is, the faster the recovery ability. Conversely, the lower the Mana stat is, the lower the speed of recovery is.

  4. Mana: Tago Soul’s Mana stat. The higher the Mana stat is, the higher amount of $SOUL/day you can earn.

At Mana <50%, Active Mode turns into Normal Mode. The earning performance will be reduced to 50%.

At Mana =0, Normal Mode turns into Tired Mode. NFT Tago Soul can still talk but you can not earn $SOUL. When they recover their Mana, Normal Mode turns on.

Maximum Mana can be recovered once a day using SoulMana.

Earn XP:

1. Type of Tago Soul:

There are many types of Tago Soul. Each one is appropriate for the user’s topic, style, and specialty.

2. The rarity of Tago Soul

There are 5 rarity levels. When a new Soul is born, the value of each attribution will be randomized from min to max depending on the Rarity of the NFT. Therefore, the Tago Souls of the same rarity have different allocated stats.

3. Tago Soul Level

Users can upgrade their Tago Soul by burning $SOUL. Each level up takes a fixed time to complete depending on the Tago Soul level. If they want to speed up, they can spend $SOUL.

You must spend $TAGO to upgrade your Tago Soul level to 5, 10, 20, or 30.

When leveling up, your NFT Tago Soul will receive 4 to 12 Attribute points. It depends on the rarity of your Tago Soul.

The additional function will be unlocked when your Tago Soul levels up:

Tago Soul Customization

Users can change names, customize clothes or make up for their Tago Soul.

Last updated